Saturday, June 13, 2009

3 Lessons

So recently I have learned three valuable lessons about domestic life.
Lesson number one: Never get angry at your beaters when your thumb is precariously balanced on the on switch. Story: I was trying to get a million things done as usual and only had about 30 minutes to make a recipe of brownies that usually takes 45 minutes. I grabbed my lovely beaters that have a problem getting stuck in the on position and stuffed the first beater in the hole. Well it was the wrong hole and didn't have the correct ring around the end of the apparatus to make it fit into the beaters. I rammed it into the second hole, reached for the second beater and began sticking this beater into the beater hole (this doesn't sound quite right...). My thumb just happened to be on the on switch in just the spot one would hold the beaters while shoving a beater into the correct hole (some engineer is laughing deviously while tapping his fingers together in a dimly lit cubicle laughing an evil maniacal laugh). As I shoved the beater with great angst, my thumb slipped and flipped the switch to on. Since the beaters have a malfunction and will not turn off even when the switch is in the off position my fingers became entangled in the lovely, unforgiving wire of the beaters. As my eyes comprehended the tangled mess of my fingers my brain didn't comprehend the pain I was about to experience. I let go of the beaters since I couldn't turn them off and reached over and unplugged the beaters from the wall. I pried my fingers out of their unnatural maze and examined what I thought for sure was a broken finger. I was shaking and saw deep grooves where the beaters had dug into my digits but amazingly that was it...just bruises, small indentations, and an embarrassing incident that I would have to share with my husband. Oh how I felt like a fool. Hailey thought the entire thing was hysterical.
2 other lessons coming shortly....

1 comment:

  1. Betsy, you crack me up. I am sorry that I'm laughing at your pain, but your writing is hysterical. Can't wait for the third installment!
