Thursday, June 18, 2009

lesson 3

So lesson 3 involves a baby, scissors, and almost an eyeball. Yikes!! So here goes: Never try to curl ribbon when you have a baby strapped to the front of you. I was rushing around, watching an extra kid, trying to get to a birthday party on time when I remembered that I needed to get a present. We made a quick stop at the toy factory, unloaded 4 kids, herded them through the doors, picked the first thing that I saw with fairies on it, dug through my purse for the debit card, answered rapid fire questions from two 3 year old interrogators about the construction vehicles outside while paying for the present, had a conversation with a mom I knew, while trying to wrap a present and find someplace to stuff a receipt, while trying not to be rude to aforementioned mom, cut off 4 pieces of ribbon that were just a tad too short to curl, tried to curl them anyway, scissors slip poke baby Claire in what I thought was an eyeball, and then...moment of clarity. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING? I grabbed the baby, extricated her from the Bjorn, flipped her around, and did a thorough examination of her face. Thank God, I hadn't poked her in the eye-ball. She had a small scratch across her forehead and didn't so much as whimper. At this point I slapped one of those Christmas, peel the back and stick it, ribbons on the present and was off. Another lesson learned. Now that I've had a scary experience with scissors I'll now be overly cautious around them but maybe not pay attention when I plop a kid down next to the neighbors hive full of angry bees. It's funny how we moms get super aware of some dangers when we've had a scary experience and hardly blink an eye at others.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, silly, silly, Betsy, Don't you know that you wrap the present at the Toy Factory, grab a few long pieces of curling ribbon, then decorate the present at the last minute with the scissors you keep in your glovebox?
